..kisah smalam..

smalam sumpah best! kitorg gi wangsa walk.. plan nk tgok 2 cite : XMEN + INSIDIOUS..  lpas bli tiket, kitorg gi maen bowling lak.. aq first tem men bolg nie.. sblum nie membe pnah gak ajk but aq tolak.. hehe.. bes gak lyn mnatang nie.. mle2 2 bola yg aq baling msok longkang.. smapi 4 kali baling tp xkne pin lgsung, aq pon ptos ase.. then, ckg aq pon aja laa aq.. bru laa btol2 kne kt pin.. bgge^^.. mrkah kseluruhan aq x laa trok sgt.. then, lam pkol 12.00 kitorg 2gu nk msok wyg.. 2gu pnye tgu HALL kitorg x ley nk msok pon wlaupon da nk msok pkol 12.45..  kitorg pon slow talk ngan kkak jual tket uh.. upe-upenye dye kasi kitorg tiket pkol 12..00 a.m.. haih-.-.. tp dye plangkn blek duit sb sume citer da pnoh da.. then, smentare 2gu pkol 2.50 ntok cite INSIDIOUS, ktorg gi laa mkan pizza.. abez 70 igt bab mkan.. mkan 5 org je tp bgai 11 org.. hahaa.. kitorg lpak2 jap smbil bork2.. then, ad 2 org brader yg murah hti bg kitorg stu jag air mountain dew.. thax abg..^^.. pkol 2.45 kitorg grak gi kt wyg.. mlw2 aq igtkn INSIDIOUS nie x la seram mne.. tp bile aq dok je lam 2 n aq tgok citer nye, aq btol2 nk mnjerit.. mnakutkan.. abes je cite, aq nk nangis sb ktakutan yg amat sgt.. hehe.. law lpas nie ad smbunan nye aq xnk tgk.. mlam td aq tido pon bkak lmpu.. xpnah2 aq bukak lmpu law nk tdo sblom ni.. haih-.-.. lpas 2 ckgu man antar kitorg sumer blek.. spanjang nk blek 2 dowg asyik bhan aq sb prangai aq yg pnakut nie.. bru aq taw yg aq nie pnakut.. smalam aq jrg mcj ANDY sb tlampau sronok tp dye pon keje smalam..

sorry andy

..ary yg mmbosankn..

ary nie aq xtaw nk bwat ape.. kbosanan yg mncapai thap menggila! so, aq pon mrantau laa stu FB.. trdetik laa lam aty aq ntok bkak FB ex aq sorg nie.. ble tgk status dye single, aq jd serba slh sb igt pristiwa lme.. hmm, skang yg aq pk cme aq da ade ANDY 'n' aq xnk bnde lme jd balik.. aq juz tgok2 gmba dye n fmily dye tem hari ibu.. ary 2 aq ad jmpe dye.. tp ats niat KAWAN.. mlang bg aq sb slah sorg bestie aq report kt ANDY.. ape lg, bad mood laa 'pkcik' 2.. hmpir2 dye nk gtaw BIG BOSS aq.. nseb bek laa dye xgtaw.. tp slah aq jgak sb aq yg crik psal..

ckap psal ANDY, dye keje ary nie so xdpt nk tman aq yg kbosanan nieh.. xpe la.. xkn aq nk hlang dye bwat keje kn? arap2 dye xde pape yg bkan2 laa... lpas nie aq nk guntg ambot sb ambot dpan aq nk mnusuk mte... aq rimas dgn ambot pnjang nie.. mcm mne laa aunty + adeq aq ley than ngan ambot pnjg gini.. haih-.-.. then, aq nk kmas blik sb td aq tringt abah aq ckap : BILIK KAMU DGN SARANG TIKUS, ABAH LAGI SUKA TGK SARANG TIKUS.. ap laa abh nie.. kus smangat.. hehe..



tadi aq gi uma dila [one of my bestie].. dye ad bwat knduri sb ayh dye nk gi umrah.. mkanan dye BAPAK SEDAP! da lpas knyang prot tu aq n nana pon bsalam-salaman laa ngan aunty2 skalian..  then, kitorg gi lpak kt bwah flat dila.. terlanjur busan, aq pon maen motor.. AQ DA PNDAI BWAK NATANG UH! hehe.. aq lyn maen moto smpai nk dkat magrib bru tepikir nk blek.. tp aq x blek tros sb airy nk gi duplicate kunci.. aq tlampau pnat smpai ttido blakg airy.. haha.. nsb bek laa dye x normal.. hehe.. blek uma td aq tros kjotkn andy.. sian dye.. Pnat sgt laa tu... kdt aq da abes.. aq nk bwat sos tp dye x bg.. dye ckap nty dye share topap ngan aq.. baeknye dye! mlu lak aq.. hahah.. aq nk kne baring skang law x aq akn 'pengsan' kt mne2 tmpat tmasok dapor.. haha.. bubye..

..epy + saddy day..

ary nie burfday cikgu yan... kitorg sumer tong2 rm5 sorg ntok mnjayakn sambutan nie.. knon2 ne nk bwat suprise tp da ckgu yan dpt taw gara-gara FB.. haih-.-.. tp xpe laa.. kek nye pon sodap.. td cian teh kne lomor krk kt muke... hahaha.. yg mnyedihkn nye dpt brite yg krg enak dr ahli silat... adoi... xpe laa.. bnde da jd... iktibar je laa yg dpt aq amek.. arap2 taon dpn x jd cam taon nie.. tp td kitorg btol2 x saba mnunggu ketibaan yang amat berhormat [cikgu yan]... kitorg nyanyi + biola ckgu man lg taw... hahah.. bangge nie...

aq nk gi mndi n siap2 ntok gi kenduri kt umah dila... aq gi ngan airy... sb yaya n airy ngah bperang skang n aq tpakse plh slh sorg dr dorg jee... aq plh airy sb airy bg aq maen motor dye... ole laa aq tgkatkn skill mrempit aq 2.. hehe... x laa.. aq bdak baek... sktakat supeman 2 ap laa sgt kn? hihi.. juz hopping yg dorg akn bbaik smula... spya aq x laa tersepit... ary nie ANDY xdpt nk tman aq sb dye pnat bkerja.. lgpon  dye pnat2 keje tp gaji abes kt aq... bkan aq mintak.. da rezki xkn nk tolak.. kdg2 2 rse bsalah gak.. hmmm...



aq da lme x update blog nie... cbok kod..  bz ngan training ntok ptandingan... tp bbaloi sb aq dpt NAIB JOHAN lam ptandingan silat sekolah-sekolah 2011.. hehe bangge nye i.. huhu... ALHAMDULILLAH.. aq arap sgt dpt msok SMD.. ary 2 aq dpt msok ptandingan silat olahrage pringkat negeri... tp aq tolak sb xlrat nk buat trening nye.. ssah bbenor...

tadi kt skolaa ad sambutan hari guru... tp aq xgi... sb maleh... bkan aq x hrgai jasa diorang tp bdan aq btol2 xlrat... bkan alsan taw... hehe... mlam nie aq hang out ngan membe kot... sb busan ar dok umah je... kan bes law aq nie ****... hehe... nk siap2 ntok kua jap... k arh...


ad lah sorg mamat nie prasan aq ske kt dye.. da laa bajet.. lpas nie aq mlas nk lyn dye.. mcm bangang je prangai.. haih.. juz saqtu pesanan ntok ko laki prasan : AQ XBATHAK LAA NK KO WEH!.. lega cket.. hahah.. pasnie dye nk mara ke ap ke bwat laa.. jnji aq puas aty!
lagi satu kes lg trok.. ad laa sorg minah nie comen pic aq ngan ANDY.. dye mcm mara laa aq amek gamba cam 2.. pdahal aq xbersentoh kulit pn ngan ANDY.. abes dye 2 yg siap bercium pipi 2 ap kes lak? igt aq bangang ap? 2gu laa mse.. aq akn maki jgak minah 2 karang..

ok.. kte lupekn kisah itu..
aq xkesah pon org nk bwat ap kt aq.. aslkn aq xkaco dye sudah.. 2 antare dye ngan aq kt 'sane' nty.. aq kne bce bku lg nie.. exam x abes lg kot.. rmai yg tegor aq.. dowg ckp aq nie mcm xamek port pon psal exam.. ye la 2 kot.. haha.. xkesah laa.. jnji aq bole jwb n x fail sudah..

Go to fullsize image
Go to fullsize image

..ape lah..

soklan math td sumer aq pnah jwb... tp aq da lupe camne nk gne formula dye... nk kne mkan bnyak kismis nieh.. adoi.. law x da ley dpt C da pon .. haih-.- ptg  ie ad ltihan ntok masal.. lg 5 hri je kot nk smpai hari pertandingan.. TAKOTT!!.. ap bole bwat.. kne laa bwat btol2.. doakn aq mng yek! skang aq nk tdo spaye aq x mantok mse bwat ltihan nty... ops.. WAIT! blom mkn lagi laa.. xpela.. mama da msak mihun goreng.. melantak laa aq pasnie.. hehe.. btw, ilym ANDY!

Things to do in the elevator

1) When there's only one other person in the elvator, tap them
on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you.

2) Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile,
and go back for more.

3) Ask if you can push the button for other people, but push the
wrong ones.

4) Call the Psychic Hotline from your cell phone and ask if they
know what floor your on.

5) Hold the doors open and say your waiting for a friend. After
a while, let the doors close, and say, "Hi Greg. How's your day

6) Drop a pen and wait until someone goes to pick it up, then
scream, "That's mine!"

7) Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the elevator.

8) Move your desk into the elevator and whenever anyone gets on,
ask if they have an apointment.

9) Lay down the twister mat and ask people if they would like to

10) Leave a box in the corner, and when someone gets on, ask
them if they can hear ticking.

11) Pretend you are a flight attendant and review emergency
procedures and exits with the passengers.

12) Ask, "Did you feel that?"

13) Stand really close to someone, sniffing them occasionally.

14) When the doors close, announce to the others, "It's okay,
don't panic, they open again!"

15) Swat at flies that don't exist.

16) Tell people that you can see their aura.

17) Call out, "Group Hug!"and then enforce it.

18) Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and
muttering, "Shut up, all of you, just shut up!"

19) Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering
inside, ask, "Got enough air in there?"

20) Stand silently and motionless in the corner, facing the
wall, without getting off.

21) Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce in
horror, "Your one of THEM!" and back away slowly.

22) Wear a puppet on your hand and use it to talk to the other

23) Listen to the elevator walls with your stethoscope.

24) Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.

25) Stare, grinning at another passenger for a while, then
announce, "I have new socks on".

26) Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to
the other passnegers, "This is MY personal space"

membe aq post bnde nie kt aq... so, mse ntok bwat experiment da pon tiba!!

..kisah kami..

ramai ckap sahabat tu penting.. n aq percaye.. BEST FRIENDS IS PRICELESS BUT SOMETIME ITS USELESS.. haha.. x la... juz kidding lorh.. aq hargai sgt membe2 aq.. nana + airy + fazila + yaya + dila.. bile pk blek ktorg sbnarnye knal x smpai pon staon.. tp mcm da knal dr kcik.. bile ad prob, ktorg try slesai kn cre baek.. bkan xprnah ktorg gadoh ssame sndirik.. tp org kate, MAAF itu satu perkataan yg simple tp pnoh mkne.. aq syg sgt2 kt dorg.. aq plan nty da blan pose, ktorg nk bbuka ngan fmily.. so, kitorg bole laa knal ngan fmily msing2 lbh dkat.. smbil2 2 usha cket abg2 dorg.. hehe.. eh!! mne bole!! ANDY ko nk cmpak mne shuQ weh?! haha..

kite buat latih tubi cket.. senget kn kpale korg n prhatikn gmba ini.. sahabat x mungkin berpisah^^

..10 mei..

eh ? da msok 10 mei ke? cpatnye.. lepas gnap 11 mei aq akn genap 2 taon  ngan BIE aq ~andy~.. aq da knal dye nie da lme da sblum ktorg cpl.. mle2 dye abg agkt aq.. 

..this is my lovely ANDY..

bile igt balek care ktorg cpl mmg lwak.. mne ley gtaw... it's secret lorh.. juz aq n dye yg taw.. but, yg ley aq kongsi mse dye melamar aq... cehhh...

A: adq suke laki yg mcm mne?
S : haa? erm... ntah lah... yg x over2 kot..
A : kalo ad owg minx adq jd awex dye adq nk x?
S : eh? knape? ntah laa.. law owg yg adq xknal bwat ap nk cpl?
A : tp yg nie mmg adq knal.. dye baek n pndai..( msok bakol agkt sendirik!!)
S : sape? dok kt mne?
A : nme dye muhammad suzuandy.. org pgil dye andy jep..
S : oooooooo... yg suke prasan 2??
A : aik?! xpela kn? abg nie prasan je kn? okey laa...
S : hahaha... bole plak laki mrajok..
A : nape? laki x bole sensitif ke?? bole ke x?
S : (muke aq merah da mse 2.. tahan malu.. n aq pon snyum lebar2..)